Chief Finance Officer
Chief Finance Officer
Salary Range: Grade 14, Scale Point 61 – 66 (£73,580 - £80,468)Contract/ Hours: Full Time, Full Year (37 hours per week, 52 weeks per year)
Responsible to: Accounting Officer/Interim Chief Executive Officer
Closing Date: 24/02/2025 at 10.00am
Shortlisting Date: 24/02/2025
Interview Date: 27th or 28th February 2025
The Dunstone Education Trust is looking for a qualified chartered accountant with energy, drive, and strategic awareness to play a leading role in developing and implementing the Trust’s growth.
In 2023: our Ofsted inspection recognised us as “Good” in all areas; academic outcomes improved across a range of metrics; and in 2023 and 2024 we had a strong financial performance, strengthening our reserve position. We are a successful Trust with high ambitions.
The Chief Finance Officer will work closely with the Accounting Officer and Trustees. Day to day you will lead on the non-academic operations and services of the Trust, ensuring that resources are deployed to meet the Strategic Plan in a financially and environmentally sustainable manner.Executing the responsibilities of a CFO, you will ensure robust financial planning, management and reporting in line with the Department for Education’s Academy Trust handbook.
You will be responsible for all aspects of Trust finance and operations ensuring compliance and overall efficiency of the Dunstone Education Trust.
If you would like to discuss any aspects of the post, please contact the Accounting Officer, Andrew Galbraith, via PA to SLT (Philippa Ward) with any queries.
Our Vison & Values
To promote a culture of educational excellence, kindness and respect within our school and wider community. Where pupils and staff care about learning and each other, are committed to being their best and together confidently challenge barriers to learning.This is underpinned by our values; We Care, We Challenge, We Commit and our Fundamental British Values.
How to make an application
To apply, complete the Application Form including the Supporting Statement section of the form to detail your suitability for the role, your motivation for making an application and how your knowledge, experience and training meet the person specification.
All completed application forms should be marked for the attention of:
Mr A Galbraith
Principal/Interim CEO
Fulwood Academy
Black Bull Lane
In line with KCSIE 2024 and safer recruitment practices, the school will conduct an online search for all shortlisted candidates. The online search is part of our safeguarding checks and will seek publicly available information on candidates’ suitability to work with children.Shortlisted candidates will be provided with further guidance and will be asked to clarify their online presence.
References will be obtained before interview at shortlisting stage and may be used in the interview process. If previous employment has included working with children, then at least one referee must be from this employment regardless of whether this is the current or most recent employment Any gaps in employment must be detailed and an explanation provided in the relevant section.
We look forward to receiving your application.
Unfortunately, we are unable to offer feedback on individual applications that are not shortlisted for interview.