Risk & Incident Management System Officer
The post holder will report to the Head of Patient Safety & Risk Management issues relating to the maintaining and the update of the risk management software, to ensure it continues to meet the requirements of the National Reporting and Learning System (NRLS)/LfPSE and other quality, patient safety and assurance requirements and national developments.
The post holder will be a member of the Risk and Incident Management System User Group. This group will oversee and agree any changes to the structure and functionality of the Risk and Incident Management System The post holder will complete the submission of Patient Safety data on a regular basis (at least once a week), to the NRLS and complete the six-monthly reconciliation updates and be familiar with the NRLS reporting standards.
As LfPSE is introduced to replace the NRLS, work in line with agreed processes for uploading incidents. The post holder acts as nominated advice point for other NHS bodies developing reporting databases linked to NRLS/ LfPSE.The post holder under supervision will review and update the design, making any changes necessary, to the electronic reporting forms, to ensure the capture of relevant data and to maintain compliance with national standards, whilst supporting end-user experience.
The post holder under direction of the Head of Patient Safety & Risk Management, oversee the reporting of confirmed Serious Incidents to the Clinical Commissioning Group via the StEIS reporting system. The post holder is to maintain expert knowledge of the Risk and Incident Management System, including continually reviewing the application.The post holder will provide support to users of the PALS, Complaints and Claims modules. The post holder will be required to liaise with external providers of relevant services, regarding any necessary changes in design or function. For a full comprehensive list of main responsibilities and duties, please kindly refer to job description and personal specification attached.