Community Clinical Dietitian
Communication and working relationships Communicate and establish working relationships with: Patients, family and carers Community Clinical Dietetics Team including Team Lead and Head of Nutrition and Dietetic Dietetic Support Workers and admin support teams Other acute and secondary care specialist dietetic teams Health and Social Care Community teams to include Intermediate Care, Community Nursing, Pharmacists and Primary Care Planning and organisation Manage own community clinical caseload as an autonomous practitioner, including named wards in community hospitals.
Regular support will be provided by named Community Dietitian(s), the wider Community Dietetic team and the Team Lead, as well as during weekly triage Prioritise clinical referrals and manage the demands received from different parts of the service Manage own time and organise diary, including agile working Responsibility and accountability Deliver evidence based Dietetic care to a caseload of adult patients in the community and in community hospitals.The focus will be on malnutrition and nutritional support Provide support to care homes where quality or safeguarding issues have been identified, as requested by Community Health and Social Care Services Manager and/or QAIT, with support from the Clinical Community Dietetic team Provide a source of expert knowledge and advice on nutrition to the community teams Responsibility for patients and client care Undertake nutritional assessments by examination and history taking.
This includes calculation of nutritional requirements; interpret biochemistry results and assessing the efficacy, safety and routes of nutritional support. Assessments may be either face to face or remotely (e.g. telephone, Attend Anywhere) as clinically indicated Commence tube feeding or safe transition from artificial tube feeding to oral nutrition where clinical condition indicates, liaising with other members of the multidisciplinary team as necessary Policy and service responsibility Contribute to the writing of policies, resources and guidelines relevant to this role, with support from the Clinical Community Team and Team Lead Provide resources such as patient information leaflets, feeding regimens, recipes and menu plans Follow Trust Policies and Procedures