Digital and Transformation PCN Manager
Provide strategic leadership within the PCN and help staff across the PCN to understand and support the delivery of the strategic objectives of the organisation. Present financial plans, progress on the development plan, and any monitoring information and report to the PCN board on a regular basis.
Provide day to day management within the PCN, including management oversight at board meetings and any network meetings, leading and supporting digital and quality improvement projects and embedding the changes made. Ensure compliance with the requirements of the PCN Directed Enhanced Service, including the Capacity and Access Improvement Programme, the Impact and Investment Fund indicators and any network-related Quality and Outcome Framework indicators.
Link with PCN accountants in the production of PCN accounts and timely submission to Companies House. Link with PCN solicitors to ensure the Network agreement and subcontract is up to date and that the PCN complies with company law. Lead the development of the PCN workforce plan according to the needs of the PCN population (from PHM data) and the member practices.
Lead the financial management of the PCN, monitoring expenditure including workforce, plan and monitor income and cash flow to ensure that income is maximised and that funds are available as required, and the practice allocation of resources is fair and equitable.
Ensure financial risks are recognised and the appropriate action is taken. Assess and improve the digital maturity of the PCN and ensure that digital and operational PCN transformation is embedded in, and aligned with, ICB and national strategies.
Line manager for PCN staff and oversee the recruitment, induction and on-going training and professional development of PCN staff. Ensure that all PCN staff have the appropriate qualifications, registrations, training, accreditation and requisite skills to undertake the duties required of them at each practice.
Lead network team meetings, developing their workplans and monitoring outcomes against this plan. With the senior managers within the member practices, understand the challenges to effective service delivery and identify solutions, including existing best practice within, or external to the PCN, supporting network implementation and standardisation of agreed service change, contracts, policies, pathways and quality improvement, developing and implementing mechanisms for assessing the impact of any agreed change.
Optimise the use of existing functionality and new technology to deliver benefits for patients and staff, to enable improvement in care and process. Develop working relationships with partner organisations operating within the PCN footprint, this includes community pharmacies, community services, social care, mental health, voluntary sector and social enterprises that facilitates a collaborative approach to service development and delivery, and working in a more integrated way as the network matures into an integrated neighbourhood team.
Ensure submission of reports or data are made to the ICB on behalf of the PCN or collectively for the practices. Accountable for PCN project delivery. With the PCN project manager, liaise and work with different practices on an ad-hoc project basis.Link with managers holding PCN management and digital and transformation lead roles across the ICB and other system partners e.g. DELT, Data Protection Officer and GP estates. Lead manager for complaints for the PCN. Ensure the PCNs compliance with GDPR and FOI along with other relevant legislation including CQC and professional standards.
Prepare and submit the application for CQC registration if required. Lead risk manager for the PCN, reporting back to the board learning events, significant events, and organisational risks. Develop as an individual and develop the role through participation in training and service redesign activities, undertaking all mandatory training