Fixed Term Consultant Rheumatologist
Triaging of referrals, responding to advice and guidance queries, homecare drug prescribing and communication with patients, GPs and other hospital specialists is distributed amongst consultant colleagues and included in job planning. Attendance at departmental and governance meetings and engagement with departmental audit and service improvement plans are expected within the SPA allocation of the post.
The post holder will be required to undertake the administrative responsibilities associated with the care of his/her patients and to contribute to the smooth running of the department in a timely and professional manner. They will be expected to take part in any rota associated with in hours management of inpatients and ward referrals and assist with urgent GP / patient queries and support the Allied Health Care professionals and junior medical staff.
The post holder will have a commitment to teaching undergraduates, postgraduates and allied health care professionals.We have a strong link with the medical school and there will be a teaching commitment to the 4th year medical student musculoskeletal module and other opportunities to help with Student Selected Components, and 4th year Individual Research Projects.The successful candidate may want to participate in further Medical School teaching programmes after discussion with the department and as part of the job planning exercise with opportunity to apply for an Honorary Senior Lecturer role.
The clinical investigation research unit (CIRU) has state of the art equipment and staff who can co-ordinate and conduct clinical trials. The post holder will be expected to clinically assess patients who have been entered into clinical trials.The post holder will be expected to engage with the managerial responsibilities of the department. An active role in departmental clinical governance and attendance at governance meetings will be expected. Please see job description & Person specs for full details.