Safeguarding Specialist Practitioner | Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust
The post will be band 6 - 30 hours per week.
This an amazing opportunity to consolidate and further develop your children’s safeguarding knowledge and expertise.
Under the guidance of the Named Nurse for Safeguarding at Nottingham University Hospitals Trust and the wider safeguarding team the post holder will be supported to :-- Provide effective safeguarding supervision to NUH staff working within front line services, ensuring identified risk within cases are managed effectively and that all staff are adequately supported.
- Support and contribute to the planning, delivery and evaluation of NUH safeguarding education and training programmes.
- Work in partnership with partner agencies and professionals, within safeguarding processes to improve outcomes for all, promoting the think Family approach adopted by NUH.
- Be able to convey and present complex information both written and verbal formally and informally.
Our team is supportive and dedicated to the delivery of effective safe care.
In addition to the brief list above you must familiarise yourself with the full job description and person specification attached to this advert prior to applying.
Convey and present highly complex and sensitive information written and verbal, formally and informally as appropriate. Ensure that when applicable information is maintained and kept in an appropriate place.
Work together with Named professionals in the development of evidence based patient care policies and procedures/audit; addressing the Governments agenda for safeguarding children and adults.
The post encompasses a " Think Family" approach and includes the need to support with the Domestic Violence and Abuse agenda .
To work in conjunction with the Named Nurse for Safeguarding Children in implementing a Trust wide safeguarding training strategy.
To deliver safeguarding education and training across the trust.
The applicant will need an awareness of the mental capacity act, deprivation of liberty safeguards and the mental health act.
The post holder will work in conjunction with the Trust wide Safeguarding Team to deliver a high quality service of safeguarding expertise to the Trust. They will provide professional advice, support and education to the multi-professional teams and ensure that the Trust meets statutory safeguarding requirements.
To assist with raising the profile of safeguarding children and adults, domestic abuse, children’s act 1989/2004 and Working Together to Safeguard Children 2018. An awareness of the mental capacity act, deprivation of liberty safeguards and the mental health act across NUH.
Provide effective and appropriate support and specialist advice to Trust staff, patients and carers following a suspicion of or a disclosure of abuse and/or neglect.To assist ward staff, Trust wide, with day-to-day safeguarding of children and families including domestic abuse issues acting in a consultative and advisory capacity.
To provide and receive highly complex, sensitive and confidential information in relation to safeguarding.To facilitate and support staff in accurate completion of safeguarding documentation.
To liaise closely with other health, social care professionals, police and legal departments to ensure a co-ordinated approach and the provision of high quality care. This may include attendance at strategy meetings, discharge planning meetings, case conferences and reviews as appropriate.
To represent NUH at external meetings where required, including attendance at the Multi-Agency Risk Assessment Conference (MARAC).Become an effective resource to clinical teams Trust wide to provide safeguarding children’s supervision for staff members involved in safeguarding cases.
Effectively communicate with multi-professional and multi-agency teams.
Work with the Named Nurse for Safeguarding Children, and the Safeguarding Nurse Specialists, Domestic Abuse Specialist, and Named Doctors within NUH to utilise links within local and national networks.
To provide feedback and supervision for staff involved in safeguarding cases.
Assist staff to achieve the delivery of a high quality service from the identification of a safeguarding concern through to a safe discharge.
Assist in the implementation of systems to measure and achieve high standards of clinical quality.
To contribute to the development of multi-agency and Trust wide policies and procedures within their specialist field.
Contribute to audit process in conjunction with the wider safeguarding team.
To be a credible, accountable practitioner within the remit of safeguarding children, working independently but managed by the Named Nurse Safeguarding Children.Accept personal responsibility for identifying own learning needs and professional development and demonstrate a commitment to develop skills, practice and knowledge within the speciality.
Ensure that you maintain confidentiality at all times.
All employees are subject to the General Data Protection regulations (GDPR) and must maintain confidentiality in respect of patient and staff records.
All employees must comply with the Trust’s Equal Opportunities Policy and must not discriminate on the grounds of race, colour, nationality, gender, sexual orientation, marital status, disability or any grounds which cannot be shown to be justifiable.
TrainingIn conjunction with the Named Nurse Safeguarding Children continue to maintain and implement a Trust wide safeguarding training strategy.
To deliver safeguarding training across the Trust with the support of thesafeguarding children's team.
To support and supervise students as appropriate.
To record, monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of the safeguarding training strategy, ensuring all staff have access to the level of education and training required.
To disseminate information Trust wide from Child Safeguarding Practice Reviews, Safeguarding Adult Reviews and Domestic Homicide Reviews and evaluate lessons learned within NUH.
To participate in formal and informal education for all members of staff within NUH as needs dictate.
To liaise with and provide relevant information to clinical teams and other staff across the Trust, particularly in relation to staff members accessing safeguarding training.
Ensure that specialist knowledge is disseminated and shared across the clinical areas.
To contribute to the annual report.
Required to transport training equipment across sites and to set up rooms to deliver training.
May be required to travel to external multi-agency meetings.
Please refer to the job description and person specification attached to the advert for the full details of the vacancy.
This advert closes on Sunday 10 Nov 2024