Practice Nurse (Experienced) - NHS
perform any investigatory procedures requested by the GPs Administrative and professional responsibilities Participate in the administrative and professional responsibilities of the surgery team Ensure accurate notes of all consultations and treatments are recorded in the patients’ notes on the clinical computer systems as appropriate Ensure accurate completion of all necessary documentation associated with patient health care and registration with the surgery Take the lead in infection prevention and control in the surgery Ensure collection and maintenance of statistical information required for regular and ad hoc reports Attend and participate in meetings as required Assist in the formation of practice philosophy, strategy and policy and develop appropriate protocols Maintain a notice board in the waiting room area designated for patient health care education Research Cooperate and participate as required in any research projects with in the surgery Liaison Maintain effective liaison with other agencies and staff concerned with patient care and with all other disciplines within the surgery, with regard to confidentiality Professional development Maintain continued education by attendance at courses and study days as deemed useful or necessary for professional development The post holder will participate in any training programme implemented by the practice as part of this employment To participate in an annual individual performance review, including taking responsibility for maintaining a record of own personal and/or professional development Take a responsibility for own development, learning and performance and demonstrating skills and activities to others who are undertaking similar work 3.
Other Responsibilities Health and Safety To comply with the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974. To take responsibility for their own health and safety and that of other persons who may be affected by their own acts or omissions. To ensure all staff are fully trained and conversant with fire regulations and health and safety and understand what to do in an emergency.Ensure a trained first aider is available in the building. Ensure fire alarms are tested regularly and within the set guidelines. Equality and Diversity To carry out at all times their responsibilities in line with Equal Opportunities Policy and Procedure.
Risk Management and Clinical Governance To work within the Clinical Governance Framework of the practice, incorporating Risk Management and all other quality initiatives and all aspects of CQC implementation. Confidentiality To maintain confidentiality of information relating to patients, clients, staff and other users of the services in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998 including outside of the work environment.
Any breach of confidentiality may render an individual liable for dismissal and/or prosecution. Safeguarding Whilst in post, staff are expected to acquire and update their knowledge on safeguarding as per the intercollegiate document requirements and MMP policies.
General To undertake any other duties commensurate with the role, within the bounds of his/her own competence as guided by the attached management framework. To work across the various MMP sites as required. In light of national policy and due to the needs of the business it may be necessary for the Partnership to alter the opening hours of the surgeries.
This could incorporate different opening hours and weekend working which may effect when you are required to work. The post holder is expected to be flexible and accommodating, following consultation, in terms of any changes to operating times in the future.