Rheumatology Administrative Assistant
Deal with telephone calls and emails, responding in a timely manner and taking appropriate action as required. Triaging calls from the nurse advice line daily. Provide non-clinical information to patients as appropriate. Recognising when to redirect calls to nursing staff / book them in for a nurse consultation.
Working with the Pathway Co-ordinator to provide administrative support for some aspects of the patient pathway from referral to appointment, (including arriving and departing patients from clinic lists and assisting with 18 week wait forms).
Liaise with GPs and other referrers when necessary to obtain further information for the clinicians prior to the patients appointment (including medication list and blood results). Record and update patient information on hospital IT systems accurately.
To use departmental database (Infoflex) to log calls coming into the department via the nurse advice line and update patient treatment records. Support nursing staff with the booking of patients that require treatment in outpatient clinics the Day Treatment unit and provide administrative support in preparing prescriptions for those appointments Provide nursing staff with administrative support to arrange medication for patients that require medication delivered to their home via a nominated homecare company.
Organise the admission of patients to St Marys Day unit for infusions, liaising with the relevant department and contacting the patient to inform them of the admission arrangements. To participate in Rheumatology MDT with Pharmacy on regular basis to ensure prescriptions that need renewal are organised in a timely manner that causes no delay to patient treatment.To maintain accurate information on the Rheumatology bloods database regarding which patients has been issues blood forms prior and post treatment. To issue reminders to patients as instructed to do so my nursing staff Dictate letters using Bighand to send appointment booking letters and reminder letters for those requiring a blood test Print and distribute clinical correspondence accurately within Trust timescales, ensuring that all instructions and enclosures are actioned prior to distribution.
Ensure all documents that require scanning onto the electronic patient record are uploaded accurately and appropriately in a timely manner so that patient information is available to clinical staff. Input accurate information as requested for audit purposes and produce standardised computer reports.Perform basic data entry for departmental database. Provide administrative support to the clinical staff with setting up meetings and educational sessions to include preparing relevant documentation/packs for the attendees. Sort, prioritise and distribute incoming mail to the appropriate members of staff.
Maintain stock of stationery equipment and patient information material in the department and clinical rooms. Provide cover for and undertake duties of absent colleagues appropriate to experience and competence. Take an active role within the department attending staff meetings and participate in discussions to improve and evaluate the service Undertake relevant training identified in conjunction with line manager.