Occupational Therapist
NHS Jobs Plymouth
SCOPE AND RANGE Responsible for assessing, planning, evaluating and implementing interventions which may be complex, sensitive and unpredictable. To undertake and to develop all occupational therapy skills and competencies, updating as required for their role to enhance the skill mix of the occupational therapy team, ensuring that the ever-changing health needs of patients are met.
Post holder will be designated to take charge under supervision (if appropriate to work area). The Post holder is required to be able to teach unqualified staff, including pre and / or post registration students. The post holder will always work within the guidelines of the HCPC code for trained occupational therapists and organisational policies.
MAIN DUTIES/RESPONSIBILITIES Responsibility for People Management To provide direction to staff, patients and carers relating to clinical interventions, policy and service developments, as appropriate, utilising sound communication and relationship skills therein.
To actively engage in clinical supervision both as a supervisor and supervisee if appropriate. To be responsible for the formal supervision and written assessment of occupational therapy students on practice placements within the Trust as directed by the Lead Occupational Therapist.
Responsibility for financial/or physical resources To follow policy and guidance around the security, useability, decontamination, and maintenance of assessment equipment utilised in the clinical setting. To ensure new and replacement equipment is not used by self or staff until it has been commissioned in accordance with Livewell SW policy.
Defective equipment is reported and made safe without delay in accordance with Livewell SW procedures. On the rare occasion you may handle patient valuables as part of a home visit or community assessment, that you follow Livewell SWs policy Cash & Cheque Handling Procedures, section 6 Patient Money, section 7 Patient Travel.
Responsibility for administration To adhere to all policies and standards of The Glenbourne Unit and Livewell Southwest in general. To comply with the Royal College of Occupational Therapy Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct and national policies and procedures.
To plan and prioritise own workload in accordance with the above. To participate in the planning and implementation of operational policies, projects and service development within the occupational therapy team. To be aware of, and adhere to, the correct procedures for ordering, maintaining and using materials and equipment as directed by Lead Occupational Therapist.
Responsibility for people who use our services To manage an identified caseload of clients, some with complex needs. This may include clients with additional physical health needs, physical disability, behaviours that challenge and learning disabilities.
To be responsible for assessing, planning, implementing, monitoring and evaluating patient-centred individual and/or group interventions using specialist occupational therapy assessments and approaches. To develop the skills of treatment formulation and treatment planning.
To develop formulation and treatment skills in relation to individual priorities and activity programmes, working with the patient, carers and other members of the multi-disciplinary and Occupational Therapy team as appropriate. Use a patient-centred approach to agree and address treatment priorities, with the emphasis on the inpatient stay in line with the Recovery Model principles.
To develop skills in offering a range of treatment techniques within the field of mental health occupational therapy practice using therapeutic activities. To provide formal assessment of functioning both psychological and physiological in relation to maximising function and maintaining healthy patterns of living re: self care, productivity and leisure.
To develop assessment skills in relation to formal occupational therapy assessments, including use of professional frameworks and models. Also to develop observational, recording and reporting skills To provide direct knowledge of a given patient, as appropriate, to facilitate the procedure for second opinions in liaison with the Second Opinion Appointed Doctor (SOAD) Mental Health Act 1983.
Responsibility for implementation of policy and/or service developments To consolidate and develop own knowledge base of the principles and practice of occupational therapy, gaining knowledge of the Mental Health Act 1983, CPA and other relevant national and local policies and procedures and applying knowledge as appropriate.
To develop an awareness and working practice of risk management within the multi-disciplinary team, and an ethos of positive risk taking in relation to occupational therapy assessments and treatment on and off the unit. Other Responsibilities In line with local guidelines review, reflect and develop own practice and performance through effective use of professional and operational supervision and appraisal.
To demonstrate ongoing personal and professional development through participation in internal and external development opportunities, reflecting and recording learning outcomes in a professional continuing professional development (CPD) portfolio.
This would include support groups and induction opportunities. To broaden research and development skills through participation in local audit and research projects, in liaison with Lead Occupational Therapist. COMMUNICATIONS AND RELATIONSHIPS To liaise and communicate with patients, carers, other professionals and other agencies as appropriate.
PHYSICAL DEMANDS OF THE JOB Physically fit and able to undertake Breakaway Training. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION FOR ALL POSTS The post holder is required to comply with all relevant policies and procedures pertinent to their post. Current versions can be found on the intranet or via your manager.
The areas listed below are those Livewell Southwest currently places particular emphasis on. Failure to follow correct policies and procedures may result in disciplinary action. Risk Management In accordance with the Risk Management Strategy, employees will participate, whenever required, with the risk management process.
They will support line managers by attending mandatory and statutory training, completing incident/accident forms for every adverse event or near miss that occurs, report all defects and complaints, and communicate any dangerous situation to individuals potentially at risk.
8.2 Health and Safety at Work You must co-operate with those in authority and others in meeting the statutory requirements and in following policies and procedures. A copy of the Health and Safety Policy is available from the intranet or from the Risk Management Department.
You are reminded that in accordance with the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 you have a duty to take reasonable care to avoid injury to yourself and to others affected by your work activities. You will be notified where your post carries a requirement for immunisation.
You may be required to be able to undertake physical intervention training and participate in physical intervention as part of a physical intervention team and Basic Life Support (BLS). Infection Control Livewell Southwest is determined to eradicate healthcare-acquired infection and puts a great deal of emphasis on the responsibility of all staff to ensure their own personal and others compliance with Infection Control (including Hand Washing) Policies.
All staff must comply with infection control policies and guidance, attend relevant updates and report issues of concern to their immediate line manager (if no action or explanation received, then it is the individuals responsibility to escalate their concerns to the Director of Operations or Chief Executives Office).
Safeguarding Children and Adults All employees have a duty to safeguard and promote the welfare of children and adults and are required to act in such a way that at all times safeguards their health and wellbeing. Familiarisation with and adherence to national and local safeguarding adults and children policies is an essential requirement upon all employees.
Livewell Southwest has specific safeguarding policies and in addition, employees also have a responsibility to practice and work within the multi-agency policy developed by the Safeguarding Adults Board and the Safeguarding Children Board. Staff are also required to participate in related mandatory/statutory training.
Research For clinical posts at bands 5 and 6, there is an expectation that engagement in research will be part of this role. Therefore, an awareness of the value and relevance of research is expected and the post holder should either support existing research within their specialty area as appropriate or identify opportunities to raise awareness of research possibilities.
For clinical posts at band 7 and above, the post holder will be required to actively participate in complex audits using research methodology, or participate as required in clinical trials or equipment testing, and will demonstrate high level involvement in local ongoing research projects.
Sustainability and climate change All staff are expected to take responsibility for the reduction of carbon emissions within their area of the organisation. In particular this may relate to reducing energy consumption, making low carbon travel choices, consideration of goods and services being purchased, and waste reduction.
Other This Job Description is not exhaustive and may change as the post develops, but such change will not take place without consultation between the post holder and their manager. Job descriptions should be reviewed at least annually at the appraisal meeting.
Post holder will be designated to take charge under supervision (if appropriate to work area). The Post holder is required to be able to teach unqualified staff, including pre and / or post registration students. The post holder will always work within the guidelines of the HCPC code for trained occupational therapists and organisational policies.
MAIN DUTIES/RESPONSIBILITIES Responsibility for People Management To provide direction to staff, patients and carers relating to clinical interventions, policy and service developments, as appropriate, utilising sound communication and relationship skills therein.
To actively engage in clinical supervision both as a supervisor and supervisee if appropriate. To be responsible for the formal supervision and written assessment of occupational therapy students on practice placements within the Trust as directed by the Lead Occupational Therapist.
Responsibility for financial/or physical resources To follow policy and guidance around the security, useability, decontamination, and maintenance of assessment equipment utilised in the clinical setting. To ensure new and replacement equipment is not used by self or staff until it has been commissioned in accordance with Livewell SW policy.
Defective equipment is reported and made safe without delay in accordance with Livewell SW procedures. On the rare occasion you may handle patient valuables as part of a home visit or community assessment, that you follow Livewell SWs policy Cash & Cheque Handling Procedures, section 6 Patient Money, section 7 Patient Travel.
Responsibility for administration To adhere to all policies and standards of The Glenbourne Unit and Livewell Southwest in general. To comply with the Royal College of Occupational Therapy Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct and national policies and procedures.
To plan and prioritise own workload in accordance with the above. To participate in the planning and implementation of operational policies, projects and service development within the occupational therapy team. To be aware of, and adhere to, the correct procedures for ordering, maintaining and using materials and equipment as directed by Lead Occupational Therapist.
Responsibility for people who use our services To manage an identified caseload of clients, some with complex needs. This may include clients with additional physical health needs, physical disability, behaviours that challenge and learning disabilities.
To be responsible for assessing, planning, implementing, monitoring and evaluating patient-centred individual and/or group interventions using specialist occupational therapy assessments and approaches. To develop the skills of treatment formulation and treatment planning.
To develop formulation and treatment skills in relation to individual priorities and activity programmes, working with the patient, carers and other members of the multi-disciplinary and Occupational Therapy team as appropriate. Use a patient-centred approach to agree and address treatment priorities, with the emphasis on the inpatient stay in line with the Recovery Model principles.
To develop skills in offering a range of treatment techniques within the field of mental health occupational therapy practice using therapeutic activities. To provide formal assessment of functioning both psychological and physiological in relation to maximising function and maintaining healthy patterns of living re: self care, productivity and leisure.
To develop assessment skills in relation to formal occupational therapy assessments, including use of professional frameworks and models. Also to develop observational, recording and reporting skills To provide direct knowledge of a given patient, as appropriate, to facilitate the procedure for second opinions in liaison with the Second Opinion Appointed Doctor (SOAD) Mental Health Act 1983.
Responsibility for implementation of policy and/or service developments To consolidate and develop own knowledge base of the principles and practice of occupational therapy, gaining knowledge of the Mental Health Act 1983, CPA and other relevant national and local policies and procedures and applying knowledge as appropriate.
To develop an awareness and working practice of risk management within the multi-disciplinary team, and an ethos of positive risk taking in relation to occupational therapy assessments and treatment on and off the unit. Other Responsibilities In line with local guidelines review, reflect and develop own practice and performance through effective use of professional and operational supervision and appraisal.
To demonstrate ongoing personal and professional development through participation in internal and external development opportunities, reflecting and recording learning outcomes in a professional continuing professional development (CPD) portfolio.
This would include support groups and induction opportunities. To broaden research and development skills through participation in local audit and research projects, in liaison with Lead Occupational Therapist. COMMUNICATIONS AND RELATIONSHIPS To liaise and communicate with patients, carers, other professionals and other agencies as appropriate.
PHYSICAL DEMANDS OF THE JOB Physically fit and able to undertake Breakaway Training. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION FOR ALL POSTS The post holder is required to comply with all relevant policies and procedures pertinent to their post. Current versions can be found on the intranet or via your manager.
The areas listed below are those Livewell Southwest currently places particular emphasis on. Failure to follow correct policies and procedures may result in disciplinary action. Risk Management In accordance with the Risk Management Strategy, employees will participate, whenever required, with the risk management process.
They will support line managers by attending mandatory and statutory training, completing incident/accident forms for every adverse event or near miss that occurs, report all defects and complaints, and communicate any dangerous situation to individuals potentially at risk.
8.2 Health and Safety at Work You must co-operate with those in authority and others in meeting the statutory requirements and in following policies and procedures. A copy of the Health and Safety Policy is available from the intranet or from the Risk Management Department.
You are reminded that in accordance with the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 you have a duty to take reasonable care to avoid injury to yourself and to others affected by your work activities. You will be notified where your post carries a requirement for immunisation.
You may be required to be able to undertake physical intervention training and participate in physical intervention as part of a physical intervention team and Basic Life Support (BLS). Infection Control Livewell Southwest is determined to eradicate healthcare-acquired infection and puts a great deal of emphasis on the responsibility of all staff to ensure their own personal and others compliance with Infection Control (including Hand Washing) Policies.
All staff must comply with infection control policies and guidance, attend relevant updates and report issues of concern to their immediate line manager (if no action or explanation received, then it is the individuals responsibility to escalate their concerns to the Director of Operations or Chief Executives Office).
Safeguarding Children and Adults All employees have a duty to safeguard and promote the welfare of children and adults and are required to act in such a way that at all times safeguards their health and wellbeing. Familiarisation with and adherence to national and local safeguarding adults and children policies is an essential requirement upon all employees.
Livewell Southwest has specific safeguarding policies and in addition, employees also have a responsibility to practice and work within the multi-agency policy developed by the Safeguarding Adults Board and the Safeguarding Children Board. Staff are also required to participate in related mandatory/statutory training.
Research For clinical posts at bands 5 and 6, there is an expectation that engagement in research will be part of this role. Therefore, an awareness of the value and relevance of research is expected and the post holder should either support existing research within their specialty area as appropriate or identify opportunities to raise awareness of research possibilities.
For clinical posts at band 7 and above, the post holder will be required to actively participate in complex audits using research methodology, or participate as required in clinical trials or equipment testing, and will demonstrate high level involvement in local ongoing research projects.
Sustainability and climate change All staff are expected to take responsibility for the reduction of carbon emissions within their area of the organisation. In particular this may relate to reducing energy consumption, making low carbon travel choices, consideration of goods and services being purchased, and waste reduction.
Other This Job Description is not exhaustive and may change as the post develops, but such change will not take place without consultation between the post holder and their manager. Job descriptions should be reviewed at least annually at the appraisal meeting.
Please see supporting documents.
NHS JobsPlymouth
of Occupational Therapy standards and local/Trust policy. To communicate appropriately with other disciplines (this might include meetings, report and letter writing) To undertake a comprehensive assessment of patients including those with diverse or complex...
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Salary £39,500
Location: Plymouth
Hybrid remote roles available across South West England.
Full and Part-time positions available
University Hospitals Plymouth NHS TrustPlymouth
Job overview
To provide a high standard Occupational Therapy service, performing a highly specialist OT role for patients with burns or hand conditions, mainly trauma.
To contribute to planning, coordinating, delivering and evaluating...