Ward Administrator | Mersey and West Lancashire Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust
To work flexibly across identified wards dealing with staff and patients on a daily basis to aid the smooth running of the wards. To provide administrative support to the ward, making appointments and arrangements for staff, patients and relatives/carers as necessary.
Book outpatient appointments for patients.
Resolve patients, staff and visitor’s problems adopting a courteous manner at all times.
Welcome patients to come into the ward/area and keep them updated on bed availability.
Chase HRS (Health Record Supplements) for all inpatients and ward attenders.
Ensure any ward attender or outpatient activity is accurately recorded on the PAS system.
Book flights and taxis for out of area patients.
Arrange accommodation for relatives where necessary.
Answer telephone calls and liaise with patients and relatives regarding admission, discharge and transfer.
Deliver and collect patients and staff mail within the ward.
Ensure adequate stationery is ordered in a timely manner and stored appropriately.
Organise ambulances for return and discharge of patients with North West Ambulance Service.
Create spread sheets for ward information as required.
Request letters/patient information/medical records from other hospitals.
Create high quality signs and documents relating to ward information.
Report and follow up all IT faults to the IT helpdesk.
Mersey and West Lancashire Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust serves a population of over 600,000 with a workforce of over 9000 dedicated and skilled staff across 21 sites.
We strongly believe that the communities we serve should all have access to Five Star Patient Care.
Our services:
Acute Care
Providing emergency and maternity services at Whiston, Southport and Ormskirk hospitals, and medical and surgical specialties across all our sites.
Primary Care
Providing primary care services at Marshalls Cross Medical Centre situated in St Helens Hospital.
Community Services
Providing adult community services for St Helens and a wheelchair service in Chorley, South Ribble, and West Lancashire. Our inpatient unit at Newton Community Hospital is where patients needing acute hospital beds can continue rehabilitation, freeing up space for more unwell patients.We also provide urgent care at our Urgent Treatment Centre located in St Helens town centre.
Specialist Regional Services
We provide the Mersey Regional Burns & Plastic Surgery Unit at Whiston Hospital and the Spinal Injuries Unit at Southport Hospital to more than 4 million people across the whole of Merseyside, West Lancashire, Cheshire, Isle of Man and North Wales.
Achievements:- Rated Outstanding by CQC Inspection August 2018
- Top 100 places to work in the NHS (NHS Employers & Health Service Journal)
- National Preceptorship Accreditation (2023) for Nursing & AHP Preceptorship Programme
- Bookoutpatientappointmentsforpatients
- [...].
- Welcomepatientstocomeintotheward/areaandkeepthemupdatedonbedavailability.
- ChaseHRS(HealthRecordSupplements)for allinpatientsandwardattenders
- [...].
- Bookflightsandtaxisforoutofareapatients
- Arrangeaccommodationforrelativeswherenecessary.
- Answertelephonecallsandliaisewithpatientsandrelativesregardingadmission, discharge and transfer.
- Deliverandcollectpatientsandstaffmailwithintheward.
- Ensureadequatestationeryisorderedinatimelymannerandstoredappropriately.
- Organise ambulances for return and discharge of patients with North West AmbulanceService
- Createspreadsheetsforwardinformationasrequired.
- Requestletters/patientinformation/medicalrecordsfromotherhospitals.
- Createhighqualitysignsanddocumentsrelatingtowardinformation.
- ReportandfollowupallITfaultstotheIThelpdesk.
- Attendwardmeetingsandanyrelevantcourses.
- Workwithmembersofthemulti-disciplinaryteamtomaintainhighstandardsofdata quality, following the requirements of the Data Quality Policy as required.
- [...].
- Photocopyanynecessarydocumentationasdirectedbythewardmanager.
- Handdeliveranyurgentdiagnosticrequestsandpharmaceuticalrequests(TTO’s)
- Make deliveries of key documents and/or other items to other areas of the hospital asrequired.
- Operatesecureaccesstoward/relevantarea,ensuringnounauthorisedvisitorsor personnel enter the area.
- Printpatientlabelsandwristbands.
- AdheretoallrelevantTrustpoliciesandguidelines.
Ward Administrators employed to cover specific areas within the Trust will have a requirement to cover duties as described in the following addendum to duties: DirectPatientAccessAreasandSpecialistAreas(egAMU,DeliverySuite,ICU)• Preparecasenotetrolleysforthreedailywardrounds.
- Generateuptodatelistofpatientsrequiringmedicalreviewonotherwardsfor Physician of the Day
- ProvideemergencyoutofhoursWardAdministratorsupporttotheCareGroup
- [...]
- EnsureHealthRecordSupplementsaremaintained.
- Collect documentation and enter information into speciality specific patient information systems (eg Critical Care Minimum Data Set and Intensive Care Nursing Audit Research Centre)
- Process donations, patient cash and valuables, liaising with General Office to ensure such items are handled appropriately.
- PrepareICUfilesforauditpurposes.
- Escortvisitorstobereavementofficeasrequired.
- Deal with referrals from secretaries whenunit secretaryis notavailable, liaising withthe multi-disciplinary team as necessary.
- [...]
- Generate hospital numbers for babies and unbooked mothers.
- Ensurebirthnotificationscompleted.
A review of the job description will be carried out on an annual basis or earlier if required.
This advert closes on Sunday 16 Mar 2025