Deputy Headteacher
We are looking for a dynamic, effective and enthusiastic Deputy Headteacher who will facilitate Lathom’s progress to national recognition as an outstanding school. We are currently able to explore capacity across the leadership team and, therefore, the governing body is open to exploring a model with two DHT posts through this recruitment.
As a key leader within this accredited trauma responsive employer and educational provider, our new Deputy Headteacher must value all members of the staff team highly and be determined to support well-being so that colleagues can thrive and know that they are important and integral to our success.
We seek applicants who are highly skilled professionals, who are both inspirational and passionate about providing the best learning opportunities and personal development for all within a school environment committed to achievement and belonging through a trauma informed lens.You will see in the advertisement that this appointment allows us to explore our leadership structure and strategy to build on the school’s many strengths even further and, therefore, the governing body is open to exploring a model with two Deputy Headteacher posts through this recruitment.
Our Governing Board welcomes applications from serving Deputy Headteachers and experienced, visionary and outstanding Senior Leaders who are keen, competent and able to step up to Deputy Headship for the first time.
For further details including key dates, job description and person specification please see our applicant pack.