Senior Clinical Psychologist: Staff Psychology & Bariatric Surgery

apartmentCalderdale & Huddersfield NHS Foundation Trust placeHuddersfield calendar_month 

A Vacancy at Calderdale and Huddersfield NHS Foundation Trust.

We are delighted to offer this new permanent post for a Senior Clinicalor CounsellingPsychologistfor a split post workinginto theStaffPsychologyand Bariatric Surgery services.The successful candidate will join a rapidly expanding Clinical Health Psychology Department within Calderdale and Huddersfield NHS Foundation Trust (CHFT).

This post isfor a total of 0.6 WTE,with 0.4 WTE inStaffPsychology and 0.2 WTE in Bariatric Surgery.There is potential for the post to be combined with other hours available in the Clinical Health Psychology department if desired. To meet the needs of the services, we hope that a candidate could work Thursdays plus either Wednesday or Fridays as part of their working days.

Clinical and professional supervision will be provided by thePrincipal Clinical Psychologistswhoare clinical leads for the relevant services.

StaffPsychology –Thispost will involve providing psychological services to the workforce of an acute hospital trust. You will be joining an existing team at an exciting time of service development. The service has recently concluded a pilot phase ofnewstaffsupportservices like group debriefing and are looking to nowconsolidateand embed these services across the trust.Experience of delivering group interventions and/or psychological education and training would be desirable.

Bariatric Surgery -This postinvolves psychological assessmentand therapeutic inputto patients preparing for and adjusting to bariatric surgery. Experience of working with adults with complex mental health problems is key and experience in bariatric surgery or weight management services is desirable.

You will be joining an existing service based within a multidisciplinary team whichgreatly valuesand welcomes psychologicalinput.

We are a growing Clinical Health Psychology Department that has good relationships across CHFT. We are committed to developing excellent quality care that aims to meet psychological needs of patients who are treated within CHFT. We develop services in a patient focused way and compassionate care is at the heart of ourDepartment.

We actively encourage and support CPD, supervision, service-relatedauditand research. Thereare opportunitiesto work creatively in the continuation of new trust wide developments and be part of shaping our culture.

In the Staff Psychology Service (0.4 WTE), the successful candidatewillplay a valuable role in an existing team to refine andfurtherembed a post-incidentgroupdebriefing service intothe Trust's staff support offer.The successful candidatewill provide clinical oversight of the service whichis delivered bymulti-disciplinarycolleagues andprovide reflective practiceto these colleagues.

Another dimensionofthe role will be toengage the workforce inrecently developedinterventions, like a self-guided online resourcefor colleagues.The post holder will alsosupervise,and line managethe service Assistant Psychologist.

Within the Bariatric Surgery service (0.2 WTE), the post primarilyinvolvesthe delivery ofpsychological care and pre-surgery psychological assessment topatientsseekingand adjusting to bariatric surgery. The post-holder would be joining an existing service provided by the Principal Clinical Psychologist in the team to broadencapacitywithin the service.The successful candidate willliaisewith specialistdietitians, nurses,surgeonsand other medical staffto contribute to patient care and MDT decisions.

There may be opportunities for contribution to audit, service evaluation and training.

This advert closes on Tuesday 25 Mar 2025

apartmentNHS JobsplaceHuddersfield
surgery psychological assessment to patients seeking and adjusting to bariatric surgery. The post-holder would be joining an existing service provided by the Principal Clinical Psychologist in the team to broaden capacity within the service. The successful...
apartmentCalderdale and Huddersfield NHS Foundation TrustplaceHuddersfield
// Job overview We are delighted to offer this new permanent post for a Senior Clinical or Counselling Psychologist for a split post working into the Staff Psychology and Bariatric Surgery services...
apartmentNHS JobsplaceLeeds, 15 mi from Huddersfield
of patients under their care and to monitor progress during the course of both uni- and multi-disciplinary care. Teaching, training, and supervision: 1. To receive regular clinical professional supervision from a senior clinical psychologist and, where...