Band 7 Orthoptist- With Extended Role
To work as part of a multi-disciplinary team demonstrating effective communication, and working collaboratively receiving and giving sensitive information to colleagues inside and out of the department, including e.g. GP`S and Paediatricians, plus non-medical staff such as ROVICS.(Rehabilitation Officers for Visually Impaired Children ) Managing a caseload of patients ,at times taking on the role of care co-ordinator e.g. referring to other professionals such as teachers for the visually impaired.
To communicate effectively with patients and or parents to assess capacity and gain informed consent for those assessments and Individualised treatment plans To communicate the initial diagnosis which may be of a distressing feature, tactfully explaining the details of the medical condition which may be highly complex.This requires a holistic and sensitive approach where patients have no knowledge of the ocular defects associated with particular medical conditions and /or who may have difficulties accepting the diagnosis. Accurately communicate condition related information to senior clinicians who may not personally see the patient but be required to make a management decision based on relayed information.
The Lead Orthoptist for Retinal Disease will be expected to demonstrate knowledge, skills, training, competence and clinical experience above degree level, providing efficient clinical patient care at Masters Degree level or equivalent. The individual will possess relevant post-graduate professional qualifications eg Certificate in Medical Retina, and be able to demonstrate accreditation from in-house training in WAMD.
Evidence of extended and substantial self-study equating to a masters level. To attend advanced training and specialist courses, eg on Nystagmus, recording learning outcomes in a portfolio Knowledge of and ability to apply relevant legislative frameworks and policies relating to care eg NICE Guidelines, mental capacity act, safeguarding, consent to treatment (including different forms of drug treatment eg Instillation of dilating eye drops via PGD (Patient Group Directive) through specialist training, continued professional development (CPD) to masters level.
Have the ability to reflect and critically appraise own performance so as to maintain own CPD, participating in internal and external development opportunities To liaise with relevant manager for profession regarding any problems arising from core or extended role To exercise judgment in the case of adverse events and implications of treatment/ non-treatment to ensure best patient management on an individual basis To be an autonomous practitioner in own profession of Orthoptics, assess and diagnose complex Orthoptic patients with conditions, such as Myasthenia Gravis, and Thyroid eye disease, making autonomous clinical decisions using advanced clinical reasoning skills and interpretation of results to determine individualised evidence-based treatment plans To review patients in joint clinics with medical colleagues, for patients with acquired WAMD, Diabetic maculopathy and retinal vein occlusions who would otherwise need to see a more senior Ophthalmologist, making independent clinical decisions using advanced clinical reasoning skills and interpretation of multi-stranded diagnostic testing for continuation of treatment consented for and prescribed by consultant Ophthalmologist, within sphere of clinical competency.
Working alongside a consultant ophthalmologist, and liaising if outside of area of clinical competency. To assist the surgeon in post-operative adjustable surgery techniques, whilst patient is under local anaesthetic. This requires accurate measurements to assist the surgeon with ocular alignment.To apply a high level of understanding of the effect of visual defects and provide advice on lifestyle changes and adaptions to the patients social and physical environment. Making every Contact Count such as stopping smoking in patients with a diagnosis of Thyroid eye disease.
To be Lead for the extended role into the WAMD service for the Orthoptic and Optometry Department. Developing, and reviewing alongside the consultant Ophthalmologist WAMD protocols, competencies and pathways for the AHP`S and other non-medical practitioners, implementing those changes e.g. WAMD pathways. Being mindful that these policies and protocols will affect different staff groups.
The job holder will have the responsibility of delivering Orthoptic training, and assessing, any allied health professionals involved in patient care where required such as Orthoptic and Optometry students. This may involve group teaching sessions or single teaching sessions during patient assessments.
To teach other allied health professionals who may wish to extend into a WAMD role. To work as an autonomous Orthoptic practitioner Works and complies with codes of practice of relevant Governing bodies eg HCPC AND British and Irish Orthoptic Society, TSDFT, Provide input to in the relevant care pathways at a local level.
Working within NICE guidelines and local guidelines for WAMD To be professionally and legally responsible and accountable for all aspects of your own work, including the management of patients in your care and support more junior staff to do likewise To work single handed on any of the Trust sites as requested