Senior BI Analyst
Responsibility for delivering regular reports in the following areas. This list is not exhaustive and will change and may increase over time as requirements change. National reporting requirements such as the Mental Health Services Data Set and other statutory and commissioning outputs, with additions, enhancements, and changes as appropriate Provision of information to support local reporting specifications set out by ICS and other partners as required, such as activity reporting, Payment by Results, and other commissioning requirements Provision of information to evidence improvements in clinical outcomes Provision of information to inform business planning and cash releasing efficiency savings Provision of information to improve data quality and completeness Provision of information to support the accurate reporting of Referral to Treatment and other related wait times reporting, ad hoc and FOIs Provision of information to support the costing process, both internal and for external purposes including annual reference costs Provision of information to support the contract performance management process specifically referrals data, outpatient, and inpatient flow Provision of information to support inpatient and community services performance management Provision of information to support Commissioning for quality and innovation payment framework (or CQUIN) targets