Associate Director of Nursing AACCC
All Age Continuing Care also has Integrated Care Board duties to children and young people (Childrens Continuing Care), joint packages of health and social care (where an individual is not eligible for Continuing Healthcare but specific needs have been identified through the Decision Support Tool that are beyond the powers of the local authority to meet on its own), personal health budgets, stand-alone health needs, s117 of the Mental Health Act and Specialist Rehabilitation (Acquired Brain Injury) The post holder will develop effective strategic, operational, and commissioning policies for NHS All Age Continuing Care across the ICB, working with Places and Integrated Commissioning models to achieve this.
Encouraging innovation and working closely with colleagues across the sector the post holder will: Develop the strategy for NHS All Age Continuing Care, supporting and ensuring alignment across the ICB, removing unwarranted variation and promoting innovation in service delivery.Engage with key strategic regional and national policy makers to inform development of strategy and policies. Develop and communicate the vision for NHS All Age Continuing Care in the ICB, engaging with key partners and ensure strategy and policies support this vision.
Identify examples of national best practice to ensure that patients benefit from relevant innovations in NHS All Age Continuing Care Continue the improvements in NHS All Age Continuing Care to achieve the standards required in the National Framework NHSE Assurance Framework, S117 of the Mental Health Act.
Drive the transformation of NHS All Age Continuing Care in the ICB to meet the aspirations of the ICB to have a Place-based integrated delivery model that supports joint working with local teams and services.