Executive Medical Director | East Lancashire Hospitals NHS Trust
The Medical director will be a member of the Executive Director Team working directly with the Chief Executive providing leadership to the organisation. Each member of the Executive Team holds a broad portfolio of responsibilities with the expectation that they will work together as a cohesive team on a range of initiatives in support of the corporate management of the Trust, in keeping with the Trust's Constitution.
- Medical Director will work with, and as part of, the Board of Directors to provide leadership to deliver the strategic ambitions of the Trust.
- The Medical director will provide strategic and operational advice and assurance to Chief Executive Officer and the Board of Directors.
- The Medical director will work with, and as part of the Executive of the Board of Directors to provide strategic leadership in delivering the strategic ambitions of the Trust as an. anchor organisation in healthcare-for communities within EL and BWD.
- The medical director advises the Board of Directors on all professional matters relating to the medical and dental workforce. Specifically, they will inform, advise and support the Board of Directors to understand how strategic decisions might affect patient safety and the effectiveness of clinical care.
- The Medical director maintain strategic working relationship with system partners across LSC to facilitate delivery of the LSC Integrated Care Strategy.
East Lancashire Hospitals NHS Trust (ELHT) was established in 2003 and is a leading provider of integrated healthcare services across East Lancashire and Blackburn with Darwen, delivering a wide range of health services to a population of 566,000 people.
Weemploy over 10,000 people,someofwhom are awardwinning andinternationallyrenowned fortheirworkandachievements.Wetreatover700,000 patientsayearfromthemostseriousofemergencies toplannedoperations andprocedures. Ourhigh-qualityhealthcareservices areofferedacrossfivehospitalsites,and variouscommunitysites.
As a teaching organisation, we work closely with our major academic partners, the University of Central Lancashire, Lancaster University and Blackburn College. Together we nurture a workforce of tomorrow's doctors, nurses and allied health professionals.
The Trust is part of a Lancashire and South Cumbria system collaborative of five acute Trusts which, working collaboratively with the ICB have developed an Acute services transformation Blueprint. That Blueprint will begin to be delivered from 2025 with the ICB and provider trusts work in partnership.This role will have a key role in facilitating delivery.
Key Responsibilities of the Medical director, including relationships- Effective structures in place to deliver core functions within their individual, executive portfolio.
- The Medical director is responsible for the continued design', implementation and maintenance “of the clinical and quality strategy and Trust approach to improvement and work towards achieving our Organisational Strategy.
- To support the Trust Programme of financial recovery, providing a comprehensive financial and performance management service across the Division and at Trust level.
- To secure improvement in clinical services, affordability an effectiveness of our workforce resources and particularly to drive and support improvements in reducing vacancies. best value from rotas and reducing temporary /agency usage. ·
- To collaborate with Trust colleagues to ensure the identification and development of further schemes to deliver improvements in financial sustainability and mitigation of risks in delivering existing scheme.
- To contribute to the continued development and implementation of the internal clinical service redesign and improvement, ensuring the Trust remains at the forefront of service delivery and clinical service innovation in line with any potential changes to the external environment.
- To provide professional advice to the Board of Directors on medical and dental workforce matters, patient safety and clinical effectiveness.
- To work collaboratively with the Chief Nurse to ensure clinical quality and patient safety is maintained or improved by clinical service transformations and that strong systems of clinical governance are in place to assure patient safety & clinical effectiveness.
- To provide professional leadership in the redesign of pathways of care integrated across the Trust ensuring clinical delivery of the Organizational Strategy, with appropriate recognition of clinical interdependencies.
- To provide highly visible leadership to medical and dental staff across all Trust sites, engaging and empowering them to achieve excellence in the delivery of patient care.
- To inform, engage and involve staff in the transformation activities necessary to secure improvement & change, and deliver the benefits of Electronic Patient Record.
- Provide medical leadership which enables medical staff to actively contribute to the effective development and delivery of high-quality healthcare services within agreed resources.
- Promote high standards of professional conduct and performance and ensure that there is a supportive environment to assist doctors to meet expected standards.
- Work with Executive Lead for Health Inequalities, working with the Public Health Consultant team to help address health inequalities in the region.
- Medical Executive input to the Trust Informatics Strategy, working closely with the Chief Digital and Information Officer, and leading on the clinical contribution to EPR deployment and stabilization.
- Caldicott Guardian for the Trust: ensuring the confidentiality of patient and service-user information and enabling appropriate information-sharing.
- Board of Director responsibility for the effective delivery of a strong Research and Innovation service, with appropriate clinical leadership and management infrastructure; integrated into the Trust's overall management structure.
- Work closely with the University s, NIHRI and other stakeholders to ensure that there is a robust and effective research governance system subject to regular audit; thus, providing assurance to the Board that all research is of high quality and conducted to the highest safety and ethical standards.
This advert closes on Friday 14 Feb 2025