KS1 Teacher - Stepney Park Primary School, Tower Hamlets
Stepney Park Primary School is a large and successful primary school with around 740 children on roll. Our children love learning, they are welcoming and behaviour here is excellent. We are situated in the heart of London’s ethnically and economically diverse Tower Hamlets, one of the most successful Local Authorities in the country.
What we can offer:
- Excellent resources. We have our own woodlands, an art studio, a cookery room, a fantastic playground and 1:1 electronic devices across Y1-6
- Specialist teaching. We have excellent specialist teachers in music, computing, Spanish, art and PE
- Excellent CPD. We have a strong CPD programme in school and access to support from fantastic experts locally. A number of our teachers have also recently completed NPQs
What we stand for:
- A broad and balanced curriculum. Our bespoke curriculum ensures children develop the knowledge and skills to succeed in education. Our curriculum takes a subject specific, rather than thematic approach, as we believe this means we can offer children the best possible experience in each subject area
- Focus on personal development. Alongside our excellent academic provision, our pupils have many opportunities for personal development, building character and for appreciating the Arts; we strive to make best use of all the unique and exciting learning opportunities on our doorstep in London
- Importance of inclusion. We passionately believe in inclusion and have a highly specialised team of professionals supporting teachers and SEND children. Our pastoral care for children is fantastic, we have ELSA trained staff, a yoga teacher and a counsellor
We regularly offer opportunities for internal promotions, including TLRs.
We are looking for someone dynamic and creative, who has a passion for cutting edge, research based curriculum innovation and a commitment to develop their own practice.
Please note that we will only accept completed Stepney Park application forms, which should be emailed directly to the school at recruit@stepneypark.towerhamlets.sch.uk .
Visits to the school are recommended. Please contact us by emailing us at recruit@stepneypark.towerhamlets.sch.uk or by phoning Kathy our SBM on 0207 884 5225 to arrange an appointment to see the school and to meet the Headteacher or other senior staff.We are looking forward to meeting you.
Closing date:12 pm on Friday Mar 21st, 2025
Observations and interviews: Tuesday Mar 25th , 2025