Senior Capital Project Manager - Estates and Facilities - St Helens & Knowsley Teaching Hospitals
A Vacancy at Mersey and West Lancashire Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust.
An exciting opportunity has arisen in the Estates and Facilities Department at Mersey and West Lancashire Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust. We are looking to recruit an experienced, competent, self-motivated, enthusiastic, dynamic, proactive and flexible individual who will carry out the role of Project Manager in our acute PFI hospitals and community portfolio.
You will have a key role in the delivery of strategic major and minor projects across the Estate, all with varying complexity, timescales and budgets. You will support the Trust in development of business cases and the implementation of the extensive capital and lifecycle programme.
You will have the opportunity to develop the role, which will provide a professional, customer focus, high quality service, promoting a project management culture in the Trust and to our partners.
We are looking for someone with significant experience of project management in a healthcare or public sector environment, with a proven track record of delivering to timescales and budget. Experience of a PFI environment would be desirable.
The post-holder will develop and maintain systems and procedures to demonstrate and maintain compliance with the PFI Project agreement and levels of quality and service. Ensuring that such systems and procedures are used to effectively manage the PFI Contract is a key element of the post.
The post-holder shall, in partnership with New Hospitals and its sub-contractors, ensure that all elements of the Project Agreement are met and any areas of non-compliance are resolved.
The post-holder will work proactively with the Trust’s HR representatives, New Hospitals and its sub-contractors to manage Retention of Employment (ROE) staff.
The post-holder will act as the Trust’s intelligent client in respect of the PFI contract and associated FM services.
The post holder will manage on behalf of the Deputy Director of Estates and Facilities delegated budgets related to the PFI and FM services including community services.
The post-holder is responsible for recruitment, management and retention of subordinate staff, including negotiations on behalf of the Trust with staff groups, organisations and unions.
The post-holder will deputise for the Deputy Director of Estates and Facilities as required by the exigencies of the service.
Work closely with Community Health partnerships, NHSP and other organisations in negotiating external property leases on behalf of the Trust.
Mersey and West Lancashire Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust serves a population of over 600,000 with a workforce of over 9000 dedicated and skilled staff across 21 sites.
We strongly believe that the communities we serve should all have access to Five Star Patient Care.
Our Services
Acute Care
Providing emergency and maternity services at Whiston, Southport and Ormskirk hospitals, and medical and surgical specialties across all our sites.
Primary Care
Providing primary care services at Marshalls Cross Medical Centre situated in St Helens Hospital.
Community Services
Providing adult community services for St Helens and a wheelchair service in Chorley, South Ribble, and West Lancashire. Our inpatient unit at Newton Community Hospital is where patients needing acute hospital beds can continue rehabilitation, freeing up space for more unwell patients.We also provide urgent care at our Urgent Treatment Centre located in St Helens town centre.
Specialist Regional Services
We provide the Mersey Regional Burns & Plastic Surgery Unit at Whiston Hospital and the Spinal Injuries Unit at Southport Hospital to more than 4 million people across the whole of Merseyside, West Lancashire, Cheshire, Isle of Man and North Wales.
- Rated Outstanding by CQC Inspection August 2018
- Top 100 places to work in the NHS (NHS Employers & Health Service Journal)
- National Preceptorship Accreditation (2023) for Nursing & AHP Preceptorship Programme
- To develop andimplement systems and procedures toensure that specified contractperformance indicators are monitored,validatedandrecorded.
- Toleadin effectivecommunicationsandregularforumswithNewHospitals anditssub-contractorstoensure compliancewiththeProject Agreement
- To developformalmonthly reportingmechanismsto theDeputyDirectoronperformance againsttheProject Agreement, identifying any areas of non-complianceand remedialactions taken.
- To ensure that the UnitaryPaymentmadebythe Trust reflects the appropriate [...].
- To negotiatewithNewHospitals and theirsub-contractors toagree contract variations,additionalservices, changes etc.
- To negotiateannualpricelist changesforcatering, vending, hospitality services, minorworks, etc.
- [...] otherusers.
- To taketheleadfortheTrustinthe regularmarket testing ofFMservices asrequiredby theprojectagreement. This will includetheupdatingof specificationsmethodstatements and performancemonitoringsystemsto ensuretheTrust receives bestvalueformoneythrough thecompetitive tenderingprocess.
- The post-holderwillwork proactively withtheTrust’s HR representatives,NewHospitalsanditssub-contractors toensurethat staff employedundertheretentionofemploymentmodelaremanagedeffectivelyandin accordance withTrust procedures.
- As the Trust’s intelligent client, thepost-holderwillensure that proposed variationstothe Project Agreement aremanagedto obtainvalue formoneyfortheTrust.
- Toliaise withNewHospitalsinanyreviewof Trust contingency plans (e.g. disasterand business continuity planning).
- The post-holderwilloversee theTrust’s IrregularMaintenance Budget.
- To negotiateandmanageretained estate servicelevel agreements.
- Overallresponsibilityforthe effectiveimplementation,developmentand promotionofthe national Clean Hospitalsandrelatedpatient environment issues.
- Develop effectivesystemsthat willallowusers of the service toobtainmaximumsatisfaction fromtheFMservicesand toensurefutureserviceprovisionreflectsthechanging needs oftheTrust.
- Toliaise withservice users (staff, patientsandvisitors)tounderstandthecustomer’sviews and requirements and ensure these arefedintonegotiations withNewHospitalsanditssub-contractors and other non PFI organisations.
- Ensure [...] infectioncontrolteam.
- ConsultwiththeTrust’s infectionControlTeamregardingkeyissues withinthecontractingprocess forFacilities Management.
- Toinvestigateandrespond tofacilities relatedcomplaintsinaccordance withTrustrelated Policies and Procedures.
- To author,implement and reviewfacilities contingency plansandtoparticipateindisasterand continuity planning across theTrust.
- Maintain Professional Registration
- Adhere to relevant Code of Practice of Professional body.
- Produce statistical information,option appraisals,recommendations and businesscases in appropriateword processor,spreadsheet,database,andprojectmanagementformats toDirectors,theTrust Board,DepartmentHeads, etc. as required.
- Take responsibilityforpersonalContinuing ProfessionalDevelopmentincludingmandatory training, Authorised/Nominated Person certification, attendance on coursesand seminars,andvia publicationsandtheinternet.
- Facilitatetraininganddevelopment of subordinatestafftomeetstatutoryrequirements,their personalaspirations, andtheexigenciesof the service.
- Provideeffectivemanagement,supportand disciplinetodirectlymanagedstaffincluding technical guidance, supervisionandpracticalsupport.
- Ensure continued appraisalofstaffperformance to develop and maintainthe highestprofessional standards.
- Undertakerecruitment, selectionandinduction of staffinaccordance withtheTrust’spoliciesand procedures.
- SupporttheHead of Estates and Capital Developmentindeveloping effectiverecruitment/retention and succession planningstrategies.
- Monitorandmanagestaff sickness andabsence levelsinaccordancewithTrust policy.
- Inliaison withtheTrust’s Finance representatives the post-holderwillmanageelementsof the PFIUnitarypaymentandretainedFMbudgetsonbehalfof theDeputy DirectorofEstates andFacilities.
- To reporttoandassist theDeputyDirectorinidentifying costimprovementopportunitiesinsupportof theTrust’s FinancialStrategy
- To supporttheDeputyDirectorin ensuringthesmoothimplementationof TrustObjectives and NHSpolicy.
- To author,implement and reviewTrustpolicies and procedures as required andtoensure thatpoliciesand procedures producedby NewHospitals and theircontractorsmeetthe needs of theTrust.
- The compilation verificationpresentationandsubmission ofreturns toexternalorganisations.
- To procure goods and services in accordance with the Trust’s standing financial autonomy limits and to ensure that services are delivered in accordance with devolved budgets, financial limits and value for money requirements.
This advert closes on Thursday 27 Mar 2025