Assistant Clinical Coding Manager - NHS
To provide day to day leadership in the management of the clinical coding team ensuring that an effective, high quality and timely service is maintained. To ensure effective staff deployment across the UHB in respect of sickness, absence and annual leave.
To ensure that service objectives are met, within the UHB performance management framework. To participate in the recruitment and selection of staff, manage sickness and absence and continuous professional development. To identify the training needs of staff within the department and to devise and implement a programme of training and/or liaise with external training companies e.g. Digital Healthcare Wales (DHCW). To ensure that all staff who assign clinical codes have attended a recognised course in clinical coding, i.e The Clinical Coding Standards Foundation Course and/or speciality specific workshops using ICD-10 and OPCS held by an approved coding trainer.
To undertake individual performance review. To support the Clinical Coding Manger in continuously developing and implementing the Clinical Coding Improvement Programme in conjunction with the Head of Clinical Coding, in order to continually assess the quality of clinical coding within the UHB, developing action plans to make improvements and/or resolve issues wherever necessary.Communicate the outcomes of clinical coding audit activity and the resulting changes in practice throughout the UHB. Ensure adherence to national standards and agreed protocols, ensuring that in-depth coding is taken from the medical record in accordance with UHB policy.
To ensure that in-depth analysis of information in case notes is accurately reflected in the code assigned. To assist the Clinical Coding Manager & Head of Clinical Coding in training and awareness exercises with medical and other health care staff at practitioner level.
To assist in the development and implementation of an audit programme for clinical coding based on National and local standards. To produce plans for remedial action. To provide routine reports against agreed performance indicators in particular accuracy of coding.
For example, running productivity and data quality dashboard reports and feeding back to the coders as necessary. Any other duties in keeping with the management of the Department as directed by the Clinical Coding Manager and Head of Clinical Coding, including deputising where appropriate.
You will be able to find a full Job description and Person Specification attached within the supporting documents or please click Apply now to view in Trac.